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IdentityWork - Career Series Workshop (In-Person, 3-days)

Mon, Aug 12



In-Person, 3 days series workshop at TEAM Work Cooperative. Address: 7051 Bayer's Road, Suite 501.

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IdentityWork - Career Series Workshop (In-Person, 3-days)
IdentityWork - Career Series Workshop (In-Person, 3-days)

Time & Location

Aug 12, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – Aug 14, 2024, 3:30 p.m.

Halifax, 7051 Bayers Rd #501, Halifax, NS B3L 4V2, Canada

About the event

IdentityWork is a 3-days workshop series that helps you understand and define your professional identity. Developed by Jonathan Hall, Career Counsellor and Strategist, IdentityWork provides a guided, reflective, and collaborative process to holistically understand, define, and document your professional identity and next step.

Who is this workshop for?

IdentityWork is for individuals who:

  1. Need a strategic professional or employment identity, and assistance in understanding and defining their employment strengths, skills and interests.
  2. Struggle to communicate their professional strengths and skills on their resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, and in conversations, even though they may have employment experience and/or relevant education or training. 
  3. Are at a career crossroads and don't know what they can do next for employment, even though they may have employment experience relevant education. 
  4. Struggle to understand how their strengths, skills, and interests will allow them to develop their career over a longer time frame. 
  5. Are exploring what they can do with their existing education and employment experience. 


IdentityWork is a collaborative, reflective, and guided workshop that will support participants in the completion of the IdentityWork Guidebook. By the end of IdentityWork, participants will have completed the following:

  • Create a strategic professional identity that structures how you communicate your strengths and skills, which can be used as content for resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn, and networking.
  • Holistically define a personal employment vision.
  • Identify personal values that guide employment and life decisions. 
  • Through a personality interest assessment, identify and explore personality interests, and how they match with the dynamics of different kinds of jobs. 
  • Identify your experience of flow and how flow relates to your work and health.
  • Create a professional summary that provides a big picture view of who you are professionally.
  • Identify and define your transferable skills, with examples and highlights. 
  • Create talking points for interviews, coffee chats, and networking.
  • Practice communicating your professional identity. 
  • Reflect on the next step in your professional journey.

Participant Pre-requisites

  1. English langugage fluency (i.e., speaking, reading, and some writing)
  2. Basic working knowledge of using a laptop
  3. Basic working knowledge of how to sign up for an online account
  4. Working knowledge of ducment processing suite, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs
  5. Able to open .pdf file documents
  6. Able to send and receive emails
  7. Have a basic record of employment details (job title, basic job description, dates)
  8. Prepared to share and talk in small groups


  1. 3 days, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  2. Lunch Break and Wellness Breaks
  3. In-Person

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7051 Bayers Road, Suite 501
Halifax, NS B3L 2C1

Tel:  (902) 422-8900       

Fax:  (902) 422-3992
Video Relay Service:  (902) 593-0215

Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm (Monday - Friday)

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