IdentityWork - Career Series Workshop (In-Person, 3-days)
Mon, Aug 12
In-Person, 3 days series workshop at TEAM Work Cooperative. Address: 7051 Bayer's Road, Suite 501.

Time & Location
Aug 12, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – Aug 14, 2024, 3:30 p.m.
Halifax, 7051 Bayers Rd #501, Halifax, NS B3L 4V2, Canada
About the event
IdentityWork is a 3-days workshop series that helps you understand and define your professional identity. Developed by Jonathan Hall, Career Counsellor and Strategist, IdentityWork provides a guided, reflective, and collaborative process to holistically understand, define, and document your professional identity and next step.
Who is this workshop for?
IdentityWork is for individuals who:
- Need a strategic professional or employment identity, and assistance in understanding and defining their employment strengths, skills and interests.
- Struggle to communicate their professional strengths and skills on their resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, and in conversations, even though they may have employment experience and/or relevant education or training.
- Are at a career crossroads and don't know what they can do next for employment, even though they may have employment experience relevant education.
- Struggle to understand how their strengths, skills, and interests will allow them to develop their career over a longer time frame.
- Are exploring what they can do with their existing education and employment experience.
IdentityWork is a collaborative, reflective, and guided workshop that will support participants in the completion of the IdentityWork Guidebook. By the end of IdentityWork, participants will have completed the following:
- Create a strategic professional identity that structures how you communicate your strengths and skills, which can be used as content for resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn, and networking.
- Holistically define a personal employment vision.
- Identify personal values that guide employment and life decisions.
- Through a personality interest assessment, identify and explore personality interests, and how they match with the dynamics of different kinds of jobs.
- Identify your experience of flow and how flow relates to your work and health.
- Create a professional summary that provides a big picture view of who you are professionally.
- Identify and define your transferable skills, with examples and highlights.
- Create talking points for interviews, coffee chats, and networking.
- Practice communicating your professional identity.
- Reflect on the next step in your professional journey.
Participant Pre-requisites
- English langugage fluency (i.e., speaking, reading, and some writing)
- Basic working knowledge of using a laptop
- Basic working knowledge of how to sign up for an online account
- Working knowledge of ducment processing suite, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs
- Able to open .pdf file documents
- Able to send and receive emails
- Have a basic record of employment details (job title, basic job description, dates)
- Prepared to share and talk in small groups
- 3 days, 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
- Lunch Break and Wellness Breaks
- In-Person